Thursday, March 18, 2010

March 18

Welcome again to Vintage Photo Day here at the blog.

Check out these four babes with their matching dresses and candy apples!  It's my cousins Margaret and Ruth (on the left) and my sister Laura (far right) and me at the South Plains Fair.  I was 4, Ruth was 3, Laura and Margaret were 2.

We were locally famous for a minute or so:  this photo ran in the local newspaper.

I like how Margaret is looking right into the camera (as we were all probably instructed to do), Ruth and Laura appear to be having some sort of stare-down, and I am concentrating only on that apple.

Two things, though, are worrisome:  we were wearing, from the looks of things, petticoats to the Fair.  And, the part that  you can't see but that I know from Family Legend - we were also wearing Nixon for President buttons.

Fall, 1960
Lubbock, Texas

PS - Dresses sewn by my mom and Aunt Elizabeth.


  1. I love that the only thing much changed about you is your politics. You still love apples, your hair is getting "blonder" and your sense of style is as impeccable as ever.
