Monday, February 1, 2010

February 1


This little wood house is at the intersection of FM 1585 and FM 169; when I first noticed it several months ago, I vowed that I would be ready to take its picture the first time the light was good and there was no traffic behind me, so I could safely pull over.

Today was the day.  

It worked out pretty well, except there was a truck behind me (I lost the bet that he was going to turn onto the busier road) and I had to drive almost all the way to Ropesville ("Ropes" in the vernacular) before I found a paved road that I could use to turn around.  There were plenty of dirt roads but they were still pretty muddy from last week's storm. 

I figure this shot cost me an extra ten miles - but give the way things are spaced out here, that's not really too much, I suppose!

Hockley County, Texas

photographed 2-1-2010 


  1. Today we both shot full-frontal door and windows in good light, but I didn't have to wait for traffic on the south side of Buddy Holly!

  2. See, I didn't even realize it was already Full Frontal Week here in blog-land!
